San Francisco

San Francisco is famous for its Victorians, but the massive rebuilding after the 1906 quake produced beautiful Beaux-Arts civic buildings and both classic and modern skyscrapers.

San Francisco

San Francisco is famous for its Victorians, but the massive rebuilding after the 1906 quake produced beautiful Beaux-Arts civic buildings and both classic and modern skyscrapers.

Ivan C. Frickstad

Ivan Frickstad was an architect for P G & E (Pacific Gas and Electric). He's noted for his Station J building in the Financial District and the P G & E building on Sutter Street.

More San Francisco buildings

Alvinza Hayward Building 400 Montgomery Street

Percy and Polk

Lurie Building 417 Montgomery Street

Wilbur D. Peugh

248-250 Montgomery Street 248-250 Montgomery Street 1907
Barneson Building 256 Montgomery Street 1907
American National Bank 300 Montgomery Street

George Kelham

California Commercial Union Building 315 Montgomery Street

George Kelham and Kenneth MacDonald

Inecon Building 240 Montgomery Street 1914
Mills Building and Tower 220 Montgomery Street

Burnham and Root

Russ Building 235 Montgomery Street

George Kelham

180 Montgomery Street 180 Montgomery Street

Corwin Booth

